Therapeutic Process

Treatment at Momenta Recovery is designed to follow three distinct stages the parallel typical movement through a therapeutic episode of care. The three stages are designed to happen sequentially yet they overlap and also clients can bounce between stages.  For example, clients can move into behavior change and as they are doing very difficult therapeutic work on trauma they often start to lose motivation and thus we need to return to motivation to help them remember why recovery is important for them which then gives them the motivation to continue the trauma work.

The stages have no set duration as Momenta provides individualized care to each and every client. One of the advantages of momenta recovery being a small treatment program is that it allows us to tailor treatment to each client rather than fitting clients into a pre-determined treatment program. For example, in the first phase of treatment some clients come in having been to other treatments before and know what to expect and therefore engage quickly into the process. Other clients coming to treatment may be mandated to come we have had no experience of treatment or therapy and it takes some far longer to feel safe and secure and engage and stabilize in treatment.

The first goal for any incoming client is to help them feel safe, secure and understand how things work at Momenta.  Once develop a sense of safety, move beyond acute withdrawal, and have an understanding of treatment they begin to work with therapists on engaging in treatment and finding their own motivation for healing.

Engagement, Stabilization and Motivation

In behavior change we help clients see how and why their current behaviors are no longer useful and then help them to learn, practice and implement more effective ways of managing their health, relationships, and daily life.

Behavior change


In this phase we work with clients on generalizing the knowledge and skills they have acquired during the course of treatment out into the world and into the community that they will be returning to.
