Katherine kelley

lead recovery technician & medication manager

Tell us a little about yourself:

I have lived in the valley since I attended Momenta in 2021. I was raised on the East Coast, overseas, and in the South. I attended the University of Texas but left early due to my mental health struggles. I started at Momenta as a recovery technician and love getting to connect with the clients in our care. I have almost completed my certified addiction technician certificate and plan to finish my degree in the coming years.

 What's your favorite part about what we do at Momenta?

My favorite part of what we do at Momenta is how it feels like a family. For many, our family of origin can be absent or strained, and at Momenta we are a tight-knit community. I consider all my coworkers to be my family. I love that our milieu is small, which leads to a safe and trusting environment. I also firmly believe that having alumni work at Momenta creates a unique experience for the clients and additional growth for the staff.

 What inspires you?

I have a strong faith that has carried me through most of my life and is a constant source of inspiration and hope. The clients we are privileged to work with are a big source of inspiration for me as well. To witness the transformation that can take place over 90 days is nothing short of a miracle.

 What do you do when you're not working?

When I am not working, I enjoy spending time with my two cats, Prune and Panda, and often take them on adventures. I also spend time reading, crocheting, cooking, and outdoors in the beautiful area we live in. I volunteer at a local domestic violence safe house on my days off as well.

 What's something about you that not many people know?

I have traveled all over Africa and Central America serving mission trips throughout high school and college. I wanted to do mission work full-time when I was a teen.